Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

每当我不开心时,总会想起不开心的事情。 。 。
这一点我明白。 。。
怕会忏愧。 。。
却喜欢我的坚持。 。 。
Otherwise, who will teach man about whats Bad if God teaches only about whats Good.
Maybe thats why Evil would never be destroyed completely..
it was not meant to be.
We constantly take life for granted when the sun shine's upon our days.
When the hail storm arrives,
it then becomes human to seek shelter.
What if there is no shelter?
Monday, September 25, 2006
wishing on the star
and the fact is. . .i enjoy it.
kind of self-indulgence actually,
but i like being awake at night. . .
its silence. . . motionless. . .
tats no other reasons for me to stay up so late,
but i will realise tat i t shouldnt be like tis when i saw me eye back and pimples.
ha. . .
Thursday, September 21, 2006

still, im remaining the mood for waiting. . .
the more u ignore me, the more painful i can get,
walking around aimlessly like a lifeless shell. . .
and saw a lot of stranger. . . but u. . .
i knoe i'm such a fool for u. . .
maybe im not as good as u think,
so do u. . .
its just my fascinating imagination. . .
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
the pass isn't die, it even isn't pass
还蛮惊呀的,我竟然对你所说的话还有感觉。。 。
我想你应该是寂寞吧,才会对我有所眷恋。 。 。
我爱着的。。 。是从前的安全感。
但过了,就是一种负荷。。 。
让我活得快乐一点吧!。 。 。
Sunday, September 17, 2006

i heard it from a book. . .
u can memorize all your memory since u were a baby,
it makes u feel like. . .
u couldnt bury some of yr memory which is something u r not willing to remember,
ya, it is!
i keeep thinkin tat the pass is no longer exist in my mind anymore,
but tis self-opinion is ruinned when the tears was still shedding on my cheek. . .
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006

But it’s almost symbolic how we started out with a film and then finished with one.
It’s something beautiful between us,
even if there is no more marriage.
maggie is one and only, in terms of the mix of beauty, performance and style.
and this is the third times i watched tis movie, and still, likewise,
i have some deep thought after finish watching it. . .
life is strupple,
but the existance of motivation is playing an utter vital role in our life,
its horrible when u found tat all the things has gone
and u really don know who u should rely on. . .
does it help if u cry?
i used to be tat coward
hiding inside my bed clothe, keep sayin how pathetic i am.
but is tat any angel falling from the sky?
and saying ' its ok boy, everything will be alright'
i still have to go out for dinner no matter it was raining.
i still hav to control my feelin when evrybody is changing,
i still hav to go to clinic when i was sick,
i still try to forgive them when all their curiousity has gone,
i still hav to firure out everything when being stuck in obstacles,
but im so proud of myself,
cos i still believe when all the thing is just freakin me out,
i will still be the one like i used to be,
nothing will break me down.
sing a love song for me

I feel so down and sigh
Every night all I do is think of you
You stole my heart away
Didnt know how true love means to me Until now
Didnt know why lovers cry
Couldnt wait to see your smiling face anymore
Every time you must face the restless world
Do you remember me
And whenever you need a gentle word
Why dont you call me up
I am the one for you when things get rough times are hard
Dont you know just what I mean
Couldnt wait to hear your endless dreams Come to me
Sing a love song for me
Sing for me a serenadeMake happiness happenSing a love song for me
Sing for me a serenade
And leave loneliness alone
Every time I will say good luck to you
I hope you will hold me tight
Every night all I do is see you through
You set my heart on fire
Didnt know how true love works on me Until now
Didnt know how high we fly
Couldnt wait to see your smiling face anymore
Sing a love song for me
Sing for me a serenade
Make happiness happen
Sing a love song for me
Sing for me a serenade
And leave loneliness alone
ive started my student life in kl. . .
well, i would rather say something good instead of the down side of satyin here.
hot, dirty, hazy, stuffy, bad traffic. . .(and more. . . )
stupid car driver just press their horn without any reason,
maybe is kind of venting out their frustration, but i think its nonsense.
airless, ppl just like suckin out their life in every minute,
i used to be the one, yeah, i always hate my previous. . .
there r no any bizzarely amazing thing happenned on me.
ppl just like to throw a weird glance on u,
tats wat i found tat all the klian like to do. . .
dont ppl think tat its incourteous?
swollow minded. . .
there is really irritating!!!
there r known unknowns.
tat is say there r things tat we don know we don know,
but there r also unknown unknowns.
there r things we do not know we don know,
yes. . .
we just don. . .
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hold up... hold on... don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile... Shine on... Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm.
Cos all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry you'll see them some day
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Get up... Come on... why you scared
You'll never change what been and gone

Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die
Honestly what will become of me
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
We missed everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Travelling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets it and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day until the feeling went away
And the clouds were dropping and the...
The rain forgot how to bring salvation
The dogs were whistling a new tune barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
thank u. . .
are these words really important?
are these words mean 'manner'?
or polite? courteous? respectful?
i think it just a hypocritical show of affection. . .
an iron hand in a velvet glove. . .
i hate sorry. . .
cos it means tat u have done something wrong,
and u are asking for forgiveness. . .
should i forgive u?
y should i forgive u?
i hate thank u. . .
cos it means tat i have been helping u to achieve your aim. . .
y should i do tat?
y should i sacrifice myself?
y dont u be ME?
y cant i be U?
y u wan to say sorry?
y u wan to say thank u. . .
a walk to remember. . .
I was being in a farewell circumstance a couple of minutes ago. . .
D have to go bk to Singapore tomorrow, the same day of Qin birthday. . .
D came to her house, to be with Qin until the last moment,
They gave each other a silent embrace,
it is better than a thousand sweet words, yet,
maybe there are really a thousand words existing in their heart,
but they have choose another way of conversation to reassure each other. . .
They gazed on each other,
still, wordless but understanding. . .
And I become a the most smartest “love station DJ’,
Playing the most romantic love song tat I have in my pc. . .
I heard Qin was sobbing. . .
and D was trying to console her. . .
but the fact always is the cruelest thing tat human being have to confront. . .
D have to go,
And the only thing tat Qin can do is. . .not to urge D to stay on,
I think it’s the better way to make them feel better
So do Qin,
No choice to be choose,
No right to choose,
But still have to accept the decision tat is not fair for them,
Nothing is fair in tis world,
As long as human should always know how to deceive themselves. . .
To make life easier,
Reduce sorrow. . .
I do admit tat,
Im a loser in the state of love,
but I do hope tat everybody would have their happy ending. . .
their own happiness. . .
true love is always being with u,
u will have it,
when u believe it. . .
Monday, September 11, 2006
dear keith...
i think you very busy today....dont get so stressed k..
i'm sorry didnt reply your msgs last weekend.
i didnt do it on purpose k...
you are stil my number one fren..
and i hope you not angry at gor gor k...
even if you angry, i will let you beat me but i will stil hug you saying sorry...=)
you got my msg today? i use my fren phone...
i haven reload...waiting my sailo reload for me...haha...
if convenient la..
if cannot, nvm la, tell me tonight k.
i'll reload tml... i feel like calling you tonight...
see la later...been missing you so much and i lotsa things to catch up with my dear sailo oso rite? hehe...check your yahoo mail k.
i send you sth there.
hope you can pplay it and listen to meet and cheer up smile hear it.
don forget ur dinner k little keith.
dailo always think of you worry about you...
dont make urself sick k..if not i will xintong...
this is not mere sweet talk k. i really care bout keith de...
cuz you very special person to me..
remember when you ar eso down and feel alone,
you stil have me..ted will always stand by ur side..
i'll try my best to carry my sacred duty as keith's dailo,
keith's fren.. muak.
my dear dailou, so sweet!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006

its 3:47am now, little keith still stick with da pc and not willing to sleep, not sleepy actually, and thinking a lot of useless stuff. . .i've been fall into a state of unconscioness the whole day, and instead of ' brunch', i should invest a new word which combined lunch and dinner to become one, maybe is 'lunner',(haha), totally crazy, not willing to sleep at this moment and just wanna said this kind of lame joke? wat a problematic student we have. . .
i dont even think too much, times not allowed me to dream my dream, and make a wild guess for my future, just attempt to solve all the frustrated problem ASAP, no more poverty, no more starvation, no more silent. . .lack of energy to figure out all the thing in once, sigh, im just XXX wannabe, too many stuff have to be done, too little motivation i have, how could u bare to ask a little kid to grow up in one morning? obstacle is essential for us to grow up. . . tats wat i cant deny, my imagination is far away beyond my mess circumstance, right, its quite sarcastic. . .
wat am i supposed to do at this moment? fall asleep in 1 minute? go out and buy cigarattes? or partying out my life? huh. . .who knows. . .
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

im not a good son,
not a good student as well. . .
so what would i be?
lifeless body, struggling with life. . .
life is beautiful?. . .maybe. . .
there is a lot of down, a lot of oops in my life,
just like a roller coaster,
but ultimately,
i still alive,
it doesnt mean tat i am brave enough to overcome all the things,
perhaps, it because of i still hav the ability to smile,
to laugh out loud,
to deceiving myself. . .
komenasai. . .
for everything. . .
i shouldnt let u down. . .
komenasai. . .

my student life. . .huh
a vague impression. . . full of stranger. . .with branded bag, and weird name. .
still wondering, is this wat i wan?, but times not allowed me to hav a minute to figure it out. . .
a fuckin mouth keep disturb my thinking. . .is my teacher!! my deep impression towards tat bitch is, an awful mess about her hair, bad fashion taste, sound awful, and with a deep eye bag! tat is!!
and, still, im the one still like standing outside of their world but trying to catch up their step,
its not about am i willing to catch up?
its about i hav no choice to stunt at there still. . .
and the conclusion is. . .
god bless me!!!