Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
determination and decision always come from every little things or words,
whos gonna believe tat an army.boy.look young man would have such mind set or, shall we called it being happy philosophy. . .
he was wondering y do i look moody tis morning, and i answered " just a lil bit monday blue", the answer seem unsincere enough obviously,
"come on! don be like tat buddy, everything comes from your mind!" he was pointing his head, and smile.
his response is undeniably true and inspiring. happy people make a decision for being happy inspite of their problems, they concentrate on wat they have, not on wat is missing, most importantly, he pointed out, our state of mind is determined by our own thoughts, not by outside circumstances. . .
i supposed happines is always surounding us and waiting for us to achieve, we tend to pospone happiness sometimes,
" i will be happy if i get my pay rise",
or "i will be happy if i got the latest LV totebag. . . ."
but are u sure u couldn't be happy without them?
the meaning of existance always lead to unknown. .
one of my friends told me, " i would seldom envy how wealthy people are, cos we both have the same body, same hand, same 24 hrs, its just tat i didnt put any effort in this 24 hrs, of cos i get nothing lastly. . ."
appreciate more,
blame less,
be happier. . .
whos gonna believe tat an army.boy.look young man would have such mind set or, shall we called it being happy philosophy. . .
he was wondering y do i look moody tis morning, and i answered " just a lil bit monday blue", the answer seem unsincere enough obviously,
"come on! don be like tat buddy, everything comes from your mind!" he was pointing his head, and smile.
his response is undeniably true and inspiring. happy people make a decision for being happy inspite of their problems, they concentrate on wat they have, not on wat is missing, most importantly, he pointed out, our state of mind is determined by our own thoughts, not by outside circumstances. . .
i supposed happines is always surounding us and waiting for us to achieve, we tend to pospone happiness sometimes,
" i will be happy if i get my pay rise",
or "i will be happy if i got the latest LV totebag. . . ."
but are u sure u couldn't be happy without them?
the meaning of existance always lead to unknown. .
one of my friends told me, " i would seldom envy how wealthy people are, cos we both have the same body, same hand, same 24 hrs, its just tat i didnt put any effort in this 24 hrs, of cos i get nothing lastly. . ."
appreciate more,
blame less,
be happier. . .
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008

道理因该是一样的。。 。
难得糊涂。。 。
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

the street became a lil bit lonely, people has gone to bed i guess. . . im sitting at my balcony and going to hav a lil chat with inside-of-me before going to bed. . . moody feelin stepped in silently without any sign,
i might get used to it for ages, life has turned out like how u treat it as, u r what u see r. . . i hav a big curiosity about how u think about me,
would u spare 3 secs on such an undecribeable person like me who still ringing u up for god sakes shamelessly? wat i hav expected wasn't yr prospect on me, or any
incredible promise. . . people might dont get it but i knew wat was i doing is just beggin a hope. . for me.
people changed, situation changed either, every moment i try to escape from myself, cos the true me has lied on me as well,
i fall asleep in the dark, and why do i wake up in the dark still?. . . perhaps i never wake up . . .stop it.
finished watchin movie with my brother a few hours ago, laugh insanely but my heart just doesnt seem the same with wat i've shown on my face, it seem like not
tat easy to shake those memories. . . i left my blue in my room, but there will always be there no matter how great my day was,
another thankful of my brother's passionate in tryin hard to open my heart although he eventually failed, blame it on me cos i've lost the key to open it.
i was questioning myself how long do i still wan to be the same again, cos i don wan to. . . badly, im alive, i should hav do whatever i wish for and get it done asap,
i hav a wish list, i still hav hope. . . somepeople might think im emotional but i think i hav more hopes than anyone else,
i know u can make it and make yourself proud, make it for your parents, for yourself, for a better u. . .
Sunday, February 03, 2008
its not a sunny day in tis thanksgiving morning, a lil bit hazy with a lil bit lazy. . . mind is clear but the way is blur, something about this world doesn't seem right, but the crowded train make things clean than ever. life is going on. . .
how i wish i could sleep for a lil while. . . .
how i wish i could sleep for a lil while. . . .
its been a while for me to let my emotional drown till. . . , is it wat mentally breakdown like? i find my leg is not belong to me after spending the whole afternoon shoppin around, i was lying on my bed, exhausted, made a few calls which i hav totally no idea to ring for, i must lost my mind to do such a cowardlike thing. . . and i called veron, soonly, she realised tat i was not in mood, she kept askin me why do i feel moody, she kept askin and askin, i was listening but not hearing a word, "don't cry". . . she sent me tears with just two words, doubtlessly, she took the last train to my place just to make sure everything is alright, yes, she was needed at tat moment but i find it guilty to let her worry. . . still the same, she appeared with a smiling face, like always, she would not ask me y, she would share u some joke before cut to the point. . . thankful for her kindness and thoughtful, but i really don know how to cry out my crap, would be great if i hav a new problem to share with, but crappy me still stick with the same old stuff. . . endless dissapointed. . . im suck