Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006

mm. . . no where to start, still, the cruelest thing is. . . i still cant get over him, its tough when all the tender feelin u gave me has already seep in my vein. . . and it hard to take them out, they are. . . in me, it hurt when everytime i start to remember all the memories. . . how can i forget u? how can i get over u?
keep it up keith!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
simple life

who is he?. . .tis is an unanswerable which has been bothering me so long. . . he is a devil from hell, or a down-to-earth guy? im asking myself, is he wat u r chasing for? mm. . . perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. . . i need a shoulder at tis moment. . . to reboumd, to rely on, he has well educated and charming look, mixed race, manager, strong financial( i guess), caring, gentle. . . but, all the thing i wan is a. . . stable life, i like the feelin of. . . its very hard to put it into words, its a feeling, i used to hav it before. . . is him. . . he was the one who can really make me feel like. . . i don hav to care anything at da moment, ya, tats wat i wan. . . but he make me feel like our love never cost a thing when everything was explored, y do i still make tis comparison between two of them? y?. . . i miss everything. . . and i 'miss' everything. . .maybe i would like to say, y u still care the the end so much since the end is not tat important for u at tis moment? just go ahead! do whatever u like!. . . but i found myself changed a lot when i hav tis thought in my mind, im not the one i used to be, is it a good thing? i lost my simple thought, i lost the evry simple thing and seem like all the things goes to be complicated now. . .
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006

' pls don call me again. . .' i said it just now. . . and i cried after tat. . .
mm. . . tats no reason for me to cry, perhaps. . . i should do tis even earlier. . .
its just a way to prevent being hurted in someday, dont u realise tat? im not yours anymore. . .
tats not a good feeling for being treated as a third party, so, im still wondering wats the point u call me?i do hope tat we can be fren still, but would it be possible for us?
(veron gave me a pk of skl tat day, its really useful when i feel moody. . .)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006

wat do u think about tis pic? a couple was showing off their passionate, kissing on the road, peacefulness. . . i like tis pic indeed, and the fact is i desire to hav tis moment with my boo in future. kissing under the sun like nobody watching, i knew im too young to ask for long term relationship, but isn't tat most of the ppl would chasing for?(at least, i am) wah!!im so proud of u keith, cos u still full of illusion for yr future after being hurted by them! well, i think is a good thing for me to look forward my every tomorro, its no point to change my thought because of tat guys who hav wrong understanding about love. but, yet, love is a thing tat u just can meet but not search, i truly understand it. . . my best fren told me about her bf purposed to her recently, and a diamond ring was sparkling in front of her, the happiness shown when she told me tis, it is great! and i really feel happy with it, gambate veron!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
'give me yr glasses' he said,
and i pass my glasses to him. . .and kept on lying on the bed. . .
he was repairing my glasses.
it just a simple thing for everyone, maybe,
but his caring was shown at tat moment,
one thing tat i cant deny is,
i hav absolutely no feeling wit him,
but, yet, i like the way he treat me,
like im just a little boy who is too new for tis world,
ya, i like tis feeling.
but aih. . . .
sound like keithoo found himself a shoulder to rebound but, he is not!
(poor keith, u should let him go orelse u wont have any new start)
and i pass my glasses to him. . .and kept on lying on the bed. . .
he was repairing my glasses.
it just a simple thing for everyone, maybe,
but his caring was shown at tat moment,
one thing tat i cant deny is,
i hav absolutely no feeling wit him,
but, yet, i like the way he treat me,
like im just a little boy who is too new for tis world,
ya, i like tis feeling.
but aih. . . .
sound like keithoo found himself a shoulder to rebound but, he is not!
(poor keith, u should let him go orelse u wont have any new start)
right one, right now
perfect forever, wait forever
perfect forever, wait forever
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
after spending my whole night stick with my laptop aimlessly,
i find myself didn't finish all the homework tat should be done by tomorro.
but keep surfing on internet and msning the who;e night.
its raining out there. . .
it's a little bit cold,
and i have decided to blog my state of mind,
in the down of my heart,
tats always hav a person who is hard to be replaced.
and i miss him. . .
how to convince my self to say im not alone in bacherlorhood?
y don we be fren?
and restart all the memories. . .
and let all the things come from zero,
start from how we know each other. . .
start from. . .
i find myself didn't finish all the homework tat should be done by tomorro.
but keep surfing on internet and msning the who;e night.
its raining out there. . .
it's a little bit cold,
and i have decided to blog my state of mind,
in the down of my heart,
tats always hav a person who is hard to be replaced.
and i miss him. . .
how to convince my self to say im not alone in bacherlorhood?
y don we be fren?
and restart all the memories. . .
and let all the things come from zero,
start from how we know each other. . .
start from. . .
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
my wish

i wish to spend my whole morning to play basketball,
i wish to spend my whole afternoon to read a book,
i wish to spend my whole evening to gaze on the dawn,
i wish to spend my whole night to listen to my favaurite music, with wine. . .
i wish to spend a whole day to do a very simple thing,
its not for tomorro,
its not for my future,
but for me. . .
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Yellow - Tanya
look at the stars,
look how they shine for you,
and everything you do,
yeah, they were all yellow.
i came along, i wrote a song for you,
and all the things you do,
and it was called yellow.
so then i took my turn,
oh what a thing to have done,
and it was all yellow.
your skin oh yeah,
your skin and bones,
turn into something beautiful,
you know, you know i love you so,
you know i love you so.
i swam across,
i jumped across for you,
oh what a thing to do.
cos you were all yellow,
i drew a line,
i drew a line for you,
oh what a thing to do,
and it was all yellow.
your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones,
turn into something beautiful,
and you know,
for you i'd bleed myself dry,
for you i'd bleed myself dry.
it's true, look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine.
look at the stars,
look how they shine for you,
and all the things that you do.
like it so much. . .
once i found a song tat i love it so much. . .
i would play it repeating and repeating again,
till i sick of it.
just like my attitude in love
i do fell into the abyss of love when i was in love
but everything has its end.
look at the stars,
look how they shine for you,
and everything you do,
yeah, they were all yellow.
i came along, i wrote a song for you,
and all the things you do,
and it was called yellow.
so then i took my turn,
oh what a thing to have done,
and it was all yellow.
your skin oh yeah,
your skin and bones,
turn into something beautiful,
you know, you know i love you so,
you know i love you so.
i swam across,
i jumped across for you,
oh what a thing to do.
cos you were all yellow,
i drew a line,
i drew a line for you,
oh what a thing to do,
and it was all yellow.
your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones,
turn into something beautiful,
and you know,
for you i'd bleed myself dry,
for you i'd bleed myself dry.
it's true, look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine.
look at the stars,
look how they shine for you,
and all the things that you do.
like it so much. . .
once i found a song tat i love it so much. . .
i would play it repeating and repeating again,
till i sick of it.
just like my attitude in love
i do fell into the abyss of love when i was in love
but everything has its end.
the less is more. . .
sometime i always think about how to lighten up my life with full of satisfaction,
but i somehow know da meaning recently,
pls do not planning too much for yr life tat u still haven't went through,
just put all the things to the stars,
and the answer will be shown in someday. . .
tats no 50%, 60%,70%,. . . 100% in our life.
nobody is going to rate your life,
its either regret or not.
tats just a line between reality and dream.
some will just sink into tke state of dream. . .to dream their dreams.
some will just let their life be with reality.
and i am the chosen one,
to be a dreamer. . .
sometime i always think about how to lighten up my life with full of satisfaction,
but i somehow know da meaning recently,
pls do not planning too much for yr life tat u still haven't went through,
just put all the things to the stars,
and the answer will be shown in someday. . .
tats no 50%, 60%,70%,. . . 100% in our life.
nobody is going to rate your life,
its either regret or not.
tats just a line between reality and dream.
some will just sink into tke state of dream. . .to dream their dreams.
some will just let their life be with reality.
and i am the chosen one,
to be a dreamer. . .
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
u don even dare to call me
its not a good feelin for being treated as a third party,
this is the first time i received this kind of call,
mm. . . how was i feel like?
sometime ppl can wake up in any minute,
every thing is changing in every minute,
so pls don talk about promise as u don know the future.
and i just can't withstand tis feelin. . .
stop betting on miracle, every thing happenned is happenned.
the only thing tat wont be changed is change. . .
hope we hav a better life, like we used to have.
(but tats not gonna be me, and not gonna be u either)
this is the first time i received this kind of call,
mm. . . how was i feel like?
sometime ppl can wake up in any minute,
every thing is changing in every minute,
so pls don talk about promise as u don know the future.
and i just can't withstand tis feelin. . .
stop betting on miracle, every thing happenned is happenned.
the only thing tat wont be changed is change. . .
hope we hav a better life, like we used to have.
(but tats not gonna be me, and not gonna be u either)
Friday, October 06, 2006

just woke up in the morning. . .(is 1pm considered morning?)
when i step out from my room and gaze at the sky
tats no more hazy but a deep blue sky with cloud!
although its extremely hot today and make me keep hiding myself in the room
however. instead of a hazy sky( i hav the feeling of the end of the day)
a clear blue sky wit fresh air is more like my day! and it delight my mood for the rest of the day.
its a little bit too long-winded but i hope tat all of us would cherish the every single day when we still can see the blue sky and breathing the fresh air. . .save our world!!(sound like a hypocritical miss world!) but i really meant it.
i went to watch movie last night
two stranger. one. . . friend perhaps( i was wondering y i wan to do tis kind of charity)
to watch the movie tat i kept emphasize tat i wasn't going to watch it. 'baby plan'
jackie chan movie. . . its a kind of movie tat i always refuse to watch.
and i think im quite accomadating cos i watched it in the end. . .
like a typical action movie interclude the element of humorous.
and guess wat? i cried in the almost end. . .
i couldnt said i cried without any reason cos i do hav some reason to cry on. .
i've been asking an unanswerable question. . .
( i still. . . havent let all the memories go. . . my mind flashed back to scenes of the past when i was watcing to the movie. . .)
ok. . . lets don talk about tis. . .
on the way back. . . tat two stranger kept silent and motionless( luckily they didnt talk to me)
but my fren kept asking me y for saying nothing after watching the movie.
and i just show the gesture of sleepy. . .
and my fren asked me whether can stay with me tonight.
and i rejected him wit some lame excuses
he just turned bk and trying to get sth from his bag
he said' i think i better pass it to u first"
its a small gift. . .
i was like. . . stunt at there and wordless. . .
its a little bit shame for treating him just like a driver foe fetching me everywhere. . .
but its nice to hav a fren like him
hope tat he can find someone in someday. . .
all the best wishes for him. . .