wat do u think about tis pic? a couple was showing off their passionate, kissing on the road, peacefulness. . . i like tis pic indeed, and the fact is i desire to hav tis moment with my boo in future. kissing under the sun like nobody watching, i knew im too young to ask for long term relationship, but isn't tat most of the ppl would chasing for?(at least, i am) wah!!im so proud of u keith, cos u still full of illusion for yr future after being hurted by them! well, i think is a good thing for me to look forward my every tomorro, its no point to change my thought because of tat guys who hav wrong understanding about love. but, yet, love is a thing tat u just can meet but not search, i truly understand it. . . my best fren told me about her bf purposed to her recently, and a diamond ring was sparkling in front of her, the happiness shown when she told me tis, it is great! and i really feel happy with it, gambate veron!!
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