Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
i received a gift from my fren. . . i've never meet him before, and i don really know about him, but it was exvited, i mean the mood o open it up, there was a bit happiness arise in my heart, i've been a long time never received a gift, thanks and i appreciate it. . .
i'm so tired. . . my body and my limbs seem like out of my control, they need a break, so do i, my working lofe is like repeating the same thing over and over again. . .at least i got something, 'fun is something tat u have to chase for or it won't come to automatically. . .so i've decide to looking for fun. :)
Monday, March 26, 2007
i admire the person who spent their whole life to achieve sth they interested in, even if just a every little thing, but i really do, and i can see the satisfaction in their eyes, i don need a bangalow or SLK, but looking for an internal satisfaction, and i would feel weathier than all the rich guy, maybe u will say im just deceiving myself but, its true, everybody has their point of view. . .
i like partying but afraid of eyebag,
i like being cool but hate the feeling of smoking,
i like the mood of relaxing but not boring,
i like music tat isn't everybody gonna like,
i like movie but nobody i would like to go with,
i like being unique but normal sometime,
i'm an attention seeker but hope to be invisible sometime,
i like beach but tan skin,
i like excitement but desiring a commitment,
i don't like working but it could pick up the bill,
i like star but i know it just a frozen stone. . .
most of the time i live in the middle ground. . .
because i don like thing to be sure,
think should be changeable and flexible,
i don like yes or no,
i don like black or white. . .i could be colourful. . .
Thursday, March 22, 2007
i. . urm. . . sort of feel like im the way rely on my parents too much. . . tats no doubt feeling secure to be wit them, i feel awesome to be their son and i appreciate the everything they gave me, but it linked me to my awful experience somehow. . . i find tat teenagers are living in the century tat needn't worry about food, they take everything for granted as wat they got, and, undeniable, im the one of them. . .when i was a kid, i don hav to bother wheres the money comes from, i don even know my dad's occupation, i dare to tell everybody i hav everything tat every kids have, in fact, im not living in a wealthy family, but my parents always give their all to me, but i didn't cherish it. . . i used to be a top student in our class, i studied in the A class, i won so many prizes in drawing and sport competition,i feel like everything is under my control, things is under my expectation and as smoth as i thought. all it seem like so-good things has finally come to an end, u won't be so lucky all the time, u can't control everything by yr little hand, u just don't. . . i can't face the existance of ostacles, i can't except it and keep struggling, im wondering if tat wasn't mine, tat wasn't deserve to wat i supposed to have. . .i lost myself. . .obviously, i just overlooked myself, i think i would have the marvellous ending once i tried hard to make it, but i just wrong, too rush to see the outcome is one of the most weakness of teenagers, changing mind in every sec just because of afraid to face the failure. . .look back my past, i have all the things tat everybody die for, but i became extremely upset when things just cant help go on my way. i still remember wat my sister told me, 'your sorrow is come from your wonderful chilhood, u can't stand with failure because u've never lost. . .', yeah, she is right, all the seemingly in style teenagers actually fragile inside, i can see loneliness and purposeless in their eyesthey keep desiring people would give their all to them just like the way their parents did, and they got nothing in the end. . .
im da person who feel lost always, i always think tat im small, im too small to make a difference, but i truely understand what does 'Rome is not built in a day' meanswhen u feel like the dream is too far away, mind yr step, and enjoy the journet of achieving, when the hurdles keep coming out continuously, beyond it bravely, and yr dream will be there.
im da person who feel lost always, i always think tat im small, im too small to make a difference, but i truely understand what does 'Rome is not built in a day' meanswhen u feel like the dream is too far away, mind yr step, and enjoy the journet of achieving, when the hurdles keep coming out continuously, beyond it bravely, and yr dream will be there.
Sunday, March 18, 2007

my finaly coming off day is wit my sassy girlfren lychee, its fun but short though, our conversation hasn't come to an end but she has to rush back for accompany her bibi,but im not jeolous at all. i'm the most hated one by all my fren's boyfriends, lol, whatecer, but i will respect their choise, we still r frens
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
it's another exhausted night for me, i'm so tired of struggling in tis society, anyhow, it's a must to walk through all tis i suppose. . .
i have a friend, we've been friend for ages, we spent most of the time together and always hang out together, but somehow, the years has past, we both are facing the obstacles and without anyone to rely on, and i keep praying for tis fren to have the shoulder who is wide enough to cry on, i keep thinkin tat the one she is being with is the one she chase for, but the quarrel night has ruinned all the fabulous, i know hows the feeling to keep going on a relationship with an invisible scar, maybe she is too young, in fact, she is young, it's too early for her to own all the good things, im not fit to say anything about them, maybe, perhaps, i just truly saw my past on her, i hope tat evrything will be alright soon. . .
i have a friend, we've been friend for ages, we spent most of the time together and always hang out together, but somehow, the years has past, we both are facing the obstacles and without anyone to rely on, and i keep praying for tis fren to have the shoulder who is wide enough to cry on, i keep thinkin tat the one she is being with is the one she chase for, but the quarrel night has ruinned all the fabulous, i know hows the feeling to keep going on a relationship with an invisible scar, maybe she is too young, in fact, she is young, it's too early for her to own all the good things, im not fit to say anything about them, maybe, perhaps, i just truly saw my past on her, i hope tat evrything will be alright soon. . .
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i received these pic from my bro-in-law last night, and i bet my parents would die to see tis, anyway, i found tat samuel is growing faster than i expected, its a good things though, he already became a boy instead of a baby, but i somehow feel tat is some dissapointment for not seeing him as he is growing up. . . and, ridiculous thought again, i did feel like wan to hav a baby in someday! lol, should i? could i?
Monday, March 05, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007

曾几何时,我问过这句话。。 。
你知道吗?哭多了,眼睛是会坏掉的,我很庆幸自己旱能看见这世界,看见家人,看见自己。。 。
原来,醒来可以是那么一瞬间的事,当我看见你眼里已没有我时。。 。
我就在那一秒内,醒过来了。。 。
剩下的,是接受。。 。
而事实上,我没想过放下,也不可能。。 。
我想念的,是过去的幸福。。 。
当我再次看见他时,心中有一丝感叹。。 。
感叹自己放错了真心。。 。
但要在对的人身上。。 。
捡了由跌,跌了由捡。。 。
我重来没放弃过让自己好起来。。 。
所以当有人从背后抱着你时。 。 。感觉很好。。 。
是时候放手了。。 。
但也只是在逼自己。。 。
但当我看见了你的眼神,我却自愿的,醒过来了。。 。
曾经躲在被窝里静静的哭。。。嘴里还念着你的名字。。 。
但原来我念的。。 。
是一个过去。。 。
是一个怀念。。 。
是一个不存在的人。。 。